Nestlé in Serbia has launched an educational campaign called "Nestlé čuva prirodu" on the importance of a sustainable lifestyle to motivate young people to daily behavioral changes in order to preserve the environment.
Well-known influencers from social networks - Ena Luna, Anastasija Grujić, Boris Radošević, Milan Sisojević, Marko Đurić, Stefan Kočić - will take part in the "Nestlé čuva prirodu" campaign, recognizing the importance of encouraging responsible behavior towards the environment.
During August and September, with the help of the initiative's partners, Nestlé will share practical advice to encourage young people to engage actively in order to build environmentally-friendly habits. All those interested who will follow #nestlecuvaprirodu on social networks will be able to join the campaign and show, by personal example, how they reduce the amount of water, plastic, but also how to manage waste in their daily lives, with an emphasis on food waste.
"Our mission is to improve the quality of life and build a better and healthier future for the communities in which we operate, and that is inevitably connected with the protection of the environment. By taking small steps every day, each of us can contribute to a greener future, which Nestlé is actively working on through external and internal activities. Last year alone, during the celebration of World Ocean Day, Nestlé employees cleaned a part of the Sava riverside in Boljevci, collecting more than 200 kilograms of garbage. This year we are going one step further, by launching an educational digital campaign Nestlé čuva prirodu through which we invite citizens to join us", said Milica Milanović, Corporate Affairs Manager at Nestlé Adriatic S.
Nestlé is aware of its impact on the environment and for that reason is making great efforts to protect it. In order to preserve key natural resources for the future, the company is committed that by 2025 all packaging of its products will be made of 100 percent recyclable materials, and will further work on overall pollution reduction, protection of aquatic ecosystems, mountains, forests, and other natural resources. Also, by 2050, Nestlé plans to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions, taking on the most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement - to keep global average temperature growth below 1.5 degrees Celsius.
More than 400 Nestlé factories around the world are working to ensure that all production processes and waste separation processes are adapted to no longer generating communal waste. At the end of 2019, great success was achieved in Serbia because the company's factory in Surčin reached the "Zero Waste To Landfill" goal. This means that it works completely without disposing of garbage in landfills, and all production processes in the plants are adapted and optimized so that the materials can be used more than once.
Nestlé recently joined the European Clean Transport Alliance, which brings together several NGOs, carriers and companies involved in the logistics and production of consumer goods, to accelerate the decarbonization of road freight transport in the European Union.