Here Milica Milanović, Corporate Affairs Manager at Nestlé Adriatic S, speaks about the company’s approach to new challenges and its future outcomes and plans.
Nestlé is well known for carefully nurturing its corporate culture. What are some of the biggest challenges you faced during the pandemic in this regard?
Our first goal was to secure the health and well-being of our employees and business partners. We implemented all the necessary safety protocols, which was especially important for our field workers. As a global leader in food and beverage production, it was paramount for Nestlé to adapt quickly and implement concrete measures to curb the negative impact on our business, but we also took important strides in nurturing our corporate culture by carefully listening to our employees’ needs and moving our business into the online realm as much as it is possible. We are also proud of providing significant donations to medical facilities and marginalised groups, and we will continue to do this until we return to the normal state of affairs.
As a global leader in food and beverage production, it was paramount for Nestlé to adapt quickly and implement concrete measures to curb the negative impact on our business, but we also took important strides in nurturing our corporate culture by carefully listening to our employees’ needs and moving our business into the online realm as much as it is possible
How did the current situation influence your decisions regarding daily activities and events?
The decision-making process has largely remained the same. However, we are still conducting business in line with the official health recommendations. That means that we moved the bulk of our activities to online channels. For example, when we organised the Eco Tour – the open door event of our Surčin factory – we recorded it live stream, while the factory’s personnel followed all implemented safety protocols. It is important to note that the Nestlé factory in Surčin has achieved the goal of “Zero Waste to Landfill”, meaning that not a single speck of waste ends up in the landfill sites of the local community. Despite the pandemic, sustainability remains one of our top priorities and we will continue our efforts. With this in mind, we launched an online educational campaign to raise awareness among younger people about preserving the environment. Improving quality of life and securing a better and healthier future remains Nestlé’s mission.
The year during which Nestlé has been commemorating 15 years of doing business in Serbia is coming to an end. What are the company’s most important achievements to date, and what do plans for the period ahead encompass?
Nestlé has introduced many new products and innovations to Serbia, while we have proudly embraced the traditional “C” brand, continuing its production and improving its portfolio, especially Serbia’s favourite “Začin C”. Since 2011, when production was launched at the Nestlé Surčin factory, we’ve invested more than 15 million euros in the plant, its equipment and product development. In Surčin we produce brand “C” products, as well as “Thomy”,
“Maggi” and the rest of Nestlé’s professional portfolio. Investments have led to expanded exports of its products increasing five-fold, to more than 40 countries worldwide where Nestlé operates. An investment of 2.3 million euros impacted directly on increasing production by 3,500 tonnes, with the creation of 89 new product recipes and cooperation established with 45 new local suppliers. Locally, our largest environmental investment in Serbia so far is 1.2 million euros for the construction of a modern wastewater treatment facility.